Why You Should Invest in Blogging for Business

Last updated December 2022

SEO is one of the best ways to boost the organic reach of your website and engage with new visitors, but to see results you need a strong strategy and tactical approach. That’s why businesses that are serious about improving their SEO invest in regular blogging and guest posting.

Blogging for Business

Blogging can have tons of potential benefits for your business, but there’s more to crafting a successful blogging strategy than just posting articles randomly. Creating a successful SEO blogging strategy starts with a keyword analysis. This helps to assess which keywords your website is currently ranking for and helps you to determine which keywords will be the easiest to rank for and how to prioritize which keywords to tackle next.

Once you have your list of keywords, the next step is to group them into categories. The categories should be based on a theme. For example, if you have a local candy shop you can divide your keywords into categories like candy type, candymaker, general candy facts, and location-based keywords. Once you have your keywords separated into categories, it should be fairly easy to see which category has the most keywords that were determined to be easy to rank for. The first step should be to gain these easy wins and then work toward more difficult keywords. 


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Guest Posting / Guest Blogging

The other way to use blogging to increase organic traffic to your website is to guest post. Guest posting is when you reach out to the owner of another website, usually in a complimentary, but not competing niche, and ask them if you can submit an article for them to post on their website. This is an off-site SEO tactic that works in two ways. One way is by creating new pathways for referral traffic. Say you’re an electrician. You can reach out to real estate agents, home inspectors, home builders, or others in the general homes industry to see if they would be interested in a guest post. Then you’d write an article that links back to your own business website and have your partner post it on their site. Their audience, who is likely to be your ideal audience as well, then can see the article and some may click through to your website. The other way that guest posting can increase the search engine ranking of your website is by increasing positive links to your website. Backlinks are signals to search engines like Google that say your content is helpful, trustworthy, and relevant.

Does Your Business Need SEO Management Services?

Regular blogging and guest posting is a great way to make your website continue to work for you even when you’re off-duty. To get started improving the SEO of your website or to learn more about how this could benefit your business, contact Neur today.

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