On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO: What’s the Difference?

Last updated February 2023

The first three letters you’ll learn in content marketing aren’t ABC, but SEO.

With constantly updating trends and lightning-speed advances, though, it’s a struggle to get your bearings in the search engine world. We’re here to take it back to basics: on-page SEO vs off-page SEO. 

When you’re finished reading this article, you won’t be the world’s foremost search engine wizard. However, you will know some practical tips that you can put to use right away — plus, a little lingo that you can throw around in your next content marketing Zoom call. Let’s get to it. 

On Page SEO VS Off Page SEO: The Basics

All search engine optimization relates to accruing web traffic to your site. There are innumerable strategies to accomplish this, but they all fall into two categories.

On-page SEO strategies are everything you can do within your website to attract traffic and attention. This includes the content you write, how you structure your code, keyword choice, and more.

Off-page SEO strategies are ways you can promote and draw attention to your website by using other websites. This includes promoting your site on social media, creating more links to your page, and more. 

On Page SEO Strategies

SEO keywords are the cornerstone of on-page search engine optimization. The strategy is simple:

  1. Discover trending keywords relating to your topic
  2. Include those keywords in your web content
  3. Search engines pick up the keywords when users search them
  4. Users see your content

Other on-page SEO strategies include:

  • Including high-ranking keywords in your title tag and meta description 
  • Using high-ranking keywords as alt text (the text in your code that describes an image on your website)
  • Including high-quality links to other pages
  • Making your page mobile-friendly
  • Keeping your site easy to navigate

The most important on-page SEO strategy is still creating good content. You can use all the SEO magic you want, but content will always be king. Great keywords won’t sell your page if your content is poor. 


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Off Page SEO Strategies

Off-page SEO is broader and a little harder to pin down. It refers to any strategy that increases your site’s popularity without changing the actual content on the page.

Backlinks are the most popular off-page SEO strategy. To do this, have links embedded in other websites pointing back to your page. This increases its SEO ranking so that search engines rank it higher.

Off-page SEO also includes social promotion, including creating a magnetic social media presence. You can also invest in having an influencer promote your content and unlinked brand promotion. This doesn’t directly affect your search engine ranking, but attracts more attention to your brand so that you get more traffic. 

Conquer the Basics

Like most concepts in the SEO world, on-page SEO vs off-page SEO isn’t as intimidating as they seem at first. With these few tips, you’ll understand the framework for designing a search engine optimization strategy. 

When it comes to the SEO world, things can change before you know it. That’s why it’s a good idea to turn to the pros. 

Neur offers a full range of digital marketing services in Chicago. Whether you want to build a bounce-proof website or beef up your blog, they can help. Check out their SEO-certified services today. 

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Hiring an SEO expert for your business is a great way to increase the traffic to your website and help you win more opportunities to create leads.

Neur offers experienced, professional SEO services with right-sized packages that can fit any budget.

To get started, call us at (630) 557-6387 or send a message today.